南安普敦華人協會 (CAS) 是一家在英國註冊的慈善機構,旨在:
1. 促進南安普敦及周邊地區居民的利益, 無分性別或政治、宗教或其他觀點的區別。
2. 推進公眾對中華藝術、文化和傳統的教育。
最近媒體有錯誤報導,誤導讀者以為華萍女士是本會的創辨人。CAS的第一任主席是來自香港的张桂明博士,而華萍女士當時只是委員之一。華萍女士於2011年尾退出CAS,以後並無參與本會事務。香港BNO Welcome項目是由本屆委員會申請的,與華萍女士無關。現任委員會成員可以在這裡查明。
南安普敦華人協會 委員會
Statement from the Chinese Association of Southampton
The Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) is a registered UK charity that aims to:
- promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Southampton and the surrounding area without distinction of sex or political, religious or other opinions.
- advance the education of the public in Chinese arts, culture and traditions.
CAS was founded in 1999 by local Chinese people for the above objectives. Members and leaders of CAS may have diverse political views but we do not encourage political discussion within our organisation. Their personal works and lives are independent from CAS. Again, personal opinions of previous or existing CAS members do not represent that of CAS.
Recently, there is an erroneous report in the media, misleading readers into thinking that Ms. Ping Hua is the founder of CAS. The first chairperson of CAS was Dr. Jack Cheung from Hong Kong (HK), while Ms. Ping Hua was only one of the committee members at that time. Ms. Ping Hua left CAS at the end of 2011 and has not participated in the affairs of CAS since then. The Hong Kong BNO Welcome project application was done by the current CAS committee and has nothing to do with Ms. Ping Hua. The current CAS committee members can be found in this link.
All Chinese-ethnic people are welcome to join CAS, whether they are from China, HK, Southeast Asia or anywhere in the world. We treat everyone equally without distinction of sex, political, religious or other opinions. We have a wide range of local knowledge and expertise to help all newcomers, including those from HK, to settle down successfully at Southampton.
CAS Committee