聖誕慶祝 2022 Chrismas Celebration

The Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) celebrated the Christmas on Tuesday 20/12/22 and Wednesday 21/12/22.

南安普敦華人協會 (南華協) 於 2022 年 12 月 20 日星期二和 12 月 21 日星期三慶祝聖誕節。 

On Tuesday 20/12, we have had a nice Christmas lunch at The White Swan restaurant in Southampton. After a quick welcome by the chair and vice-chair of CAS, we kicked off with a nice starter.

2022 年 12 月 20 日星期二,我們在南安普敦的白天鵝餐廳享用了一頓豐盛的聖誕午餐。 在 南華協 主席和副主席的歡迎之後,我們以一個不錯的開胃菜拉開了序幕。

Then, our singing class teacher Jean Romsey led a Christmas Carol singing session before the main meal.

然後,我們的歌唱班老師Jean Romsey在主餐前主持了聖誕頌歌歌唱環節。

During the meal, we have a few rounds of Raffle draws. Congratulations to the lucky ones who won various prizes.

用餐期間,我們進行了幾輪抽獎。 恭喜獲得各種獎品的幸運兒。

Thanks to our Committee members and volunteer helpers for wrapping the prizes, organizing the event, taking the photos and be the Santa Claus.

感謝我們的委員會成員和義工志願者 幫助包獎品、組織活動、拍照並成為聖誕老人。

We are also grateful to Southampton Solent Rotary Club for donating Christmas Hampers to our 70+ years old members.

我們也感謝南安普頓索倫特扶輪社向我們 70 多歲的會員捐贈聖誕禮籃。

We also have small gifts to our young children.


It is good to see smiling faces after the event. More photos can be seen from our Album site.

很高興看到活動結束後的笑臉。 更多照片可以從我們的相冊網站看到。


On Wednesday 21/12, we have a Christmas Coffee Morning celebration at a local church.

12 月 21 日星期三,我們在本地一間教堂舉行了聖誕早晨咖啡慶祝。

The leaders of CAS and of the church gave welcome speeches to all participants.


Our programme starts with Chinese music and Christmas music using the Chinese Guzheng instrument and the steel-tongue drum.


We enjoyed listening to these nice musics, performed by wonderful members of CAS.

我們喜歡聽 南華協會員演奏的美妙的音樂。

After the musics, we sang Christmas Carol songs together, led by our singing class teacher Jean Romsey.

音樂結束後,我們在歌唱班老師Jean Romsey 的帶領下,一起唱起了聖誕頌歌。

Then a Taichi sequence and a Chinese dance were performed by CAS. The audience enjoyed the Chinese cultural performance very much.

隨後,南華協 表演了一段太極拳和一段中國舞。 觀眾們非常喜歡中華文化表演。

Mr Roy Romsey introduced the Southampton Solent Rotary Club before presenting Christmas Hampers to 70+ years old audience.

Roy Romsey 先生介紹了南安普頓索倫特扶輪社,然後贈送聖誕禮籃 給70 多歲的觀眾。

Special thanks to CAS and the church for providing the refreshment. Thanks to all organizers, performers and volunteer helpers from CAS and from the church.

特別感謝 南花協和教會提供茶點。 感謝 南華協 和教會的組織者、表演者和義工們。

We have a nice time talking to each other and making new friends. We also have 3 participants in our Christmas Art Competition. One winner is picked.

我們度過了愉快的時光,彼此交談並結交了新朋友。 我們的聖誕藝術比賽有3 名參賽者。第一名有獎。

It is a special Christmas celebration conducted in a church. Members of CAS and of the church enjoyed the celebration and the chance to get to know each other. More photos can be seen from our Album site.

這是在教堂舉行的特別聖誕節慶祝活動。 南華協和教會的成員都很享受這次慶祝活動並有機會互相認識。 更多照片可以從我們的相冊網站裡看到。

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2023!

祝大家聖誕快樂 和 2023 年快樂!

CAS Committee 南華協委員會
