武術班 Kungfu Class

南安普敦華人協會、南安大學孔院和南安大學中國學聯 攜手推出中國武術系列課程。
The Chinese Association of Southampton, the Confucius Institute at the University of Southampton and the Chinese Students & Scholars Association jointly present a series of Kungfu classes.

Location: Southampton University Student Union (SUSU), Room 2015 (Activity Room).

第三系列:南拳; Series Three: Southern Fist Kungfu:: From 8/3/2024 : https://forms.office.com/r/sQAnRZ1dqU

第二系列:南棍;Series Two: Southern Pole Kungfu: From1/12/23: https://forms.office.com/r/VL8FbxRjgg

第一系列:蔡李佛功夫;  Series One: Choy Li Fut Kungfu: From 6/10: https://choylifut.eventbrite.co.uk






歡迎大家踴躍報名參加。We welcome everyone to register and participate.