20240926 华人头条:2024年月亮主要静止期庆典圆满落幕:巨石阵与中华文化的辉煌交融
20240920 河南广播电视台:中秋节庆典与月球大停滞:巨石阵见证中英文化交融
20240920 欧洲时报: 南安华协英国巨石阵举行中秋文化庆典 Or at this link.
20240813 欧洲时报: 南安普敦华人协会巨石阵庆中秋[右下角]
20240915 Salisbury Journal: Stonehenge: Chinese culture met Britain’s ancient heart
20240915 itvX: Chinese Moon Festival takes place at Stonehenge coinciding with rare lunar event
20240914 Daily Echo: Hundreds turnout for annual event in Southampton park
20240721 英国华人头条:南安普敦华人协会在Eastleigh Mela展示中华文化
20240713 英国华人头条:南安普敦华人协会在Southampton Mela展示中华文化的盛大活动圆满成功
20240713 欧洲时报:南安普敦华人协会在Southampton Mela展示中华文化的盛大活动圆满成功[https://www.oushinet.com/static/content/qj/qjnews/2024-07-19/1263923768041971069.html]
20240701 英国华人头条:南安普敦华人协会在2024年难民周活动中展示华夏文化之美
20240621 欧洲时报:英国南安华协举办端午节庆活动See Page 3 of this link or [https://www.oushinet.com/static/content/qj/qjnews/2024-06-21/1253786720215795211.html]
20240301 欧洲时报:英国南安普敦华人协会举办“龙年盛世·天下同欢”元宵节庆典
20240305 英国华人头条:英国南安普敦华人协会举办“龙年盛世·天下同欢”元宵节庆典
20240226 ITV: Chinese Lantern Festival – video
20240225 Daily Echo: Southampton celebrates Lunar New Year with Lantern Festival
20240215 欧洲时报:英国南安普敦华人协会举办“龙年盛世·天下同欢”新春庆典
20240227 英国华人头条:英国南安普敦华人协会举办“龙年盛世·天下同欢”新春庆典
20240217 Daily Echo: Year of the Dragon celebrations kick off in Boscombe
20240212 ITV: Celebrations to mark a new Lunar year and a new animal to represent the next 12 months
20240212 BBC: Southampton’s dragon dancers celebrate Chinese New Year and VIDEO
20240211 Daily Echo: Southampton Chinese New Year: Crowds amazed by celebrations
20240210 Daily Echo: Chinese New Year celebrations in Southampton and Westquay – pictures
20240131 Daily Echo: All the Chinese New Year celebrations in Southampton in 2024
20240124 Daily Echo: AI Chatbot on Chinese New Year
20231110 欧洲时报:英国南安“龙年盛世·天下同欢”新春庆典将举办
20231104 英国华人头条:英国“龙年盛世·天下同欢”新春庆典招募来啦
20230723 南安普敦华人协会参加 英国伊斯利盛会 展现中华文化魅力
20230703 英国华人头条:南安普敦华人协会在难民周活动中展现华夏文化之美
20230601 英国华人头条:英国南安普敦华人协会 为青少年打造机会与发展的乐土
20230201 BBC News: Southampton scam victim: ‘I was conned for thousands but helped by stranger’
20230217 欧洲时报:南安普敦初一十五庆中国年
20230122 Daily Echo: Chinese New Year: Celebrations hosted in Southampton
20230105 Visit Southampton: Chinese New year Festival 2023 Southampton
20221203 东南网:英国南部华人商会成立,何文兵当选会长
20221202 欧洲时报:英国南部华人商会成立
20220611 Daily Echo: Southampton residents celebrate Chinese Dragon Boat Festival
20220611 BBC South: Dragon Boat Festival by the Chinese Association
20220301 Daily Echo: Main stage line-up revealed for Big Platinum Festival, Southampton
20220201 ITV: Celebrations return to the South for Chinese New Year
20210512 英国侨报:助留学生反歧视,这个华裔教授正能量爆棚!
20200125 University of Southampton:Chinese New Year 2020
20200330 中国城市报:回国还是留守 祖国都是你坚强的后盾
20190227 SUSSED News: Chinese lantern festival parade is a huge local community success
20190205 BBC Radio Solent: Chinese New Year 2019
20170121 That’s TV Solent:Chinese New Year 2017