郵寄名單 Mailing List

Please join our mailing list as a form of registeration for our Chinese New Year event. We will email the details of the event to you from time to time.
請加入我們的郵寄名單 作為報名我們新春慶典的方式。我們將不時透過郵件向您發送活動詳情。

Yes, I want to join the mailing list of the Chinese Association of Southampton mail@southamptonchinese.org.uk.
是的,我想加入南安普敦華人協會的郵寄名單 mail@southamptonchinese.org.uk。
Please remove me from the mailing list mail@southamptonchinese.org.uk.
請將我從郵寄名單中刪除 mail@southamptonchinese.org.uk。Please enter your email address:
Please confirm your email address: