疫情封鎖期間或解鎖後 可做的運動。
Exercises that can be done during and after the pandemic lock-down.
每個運動視頻 長4分鐘 包括8個回合。每回合30秒(20秒運動10秒休息)。你可以重複適合自己體能水平的運動視頻。注意:不推薦給年長者。
Each exercise video is 4 minutes long and consists of 8 rounds. Each round has 20s of exercises and 10s of rest. You can repeat the exercise videos that are approprite to your fitness level. Note: these are not recommended for elderly people
1) 功夫運動 1(初級)Kungfu exercise 1 (beginner’s level)
2) 功夫運動 2(初級)Kungfu exercise 2 (beginner’s level)
3) 功夫運動 3(中級) Kungfu exercise 3 (intermediate level)
4) 功夫運動4(中高級)Kungfu exercise 4 (medium-advanced level)