兔年迎新春聯歡活動 2023年1月22日 Rabbit Year Celebration on 22/1/2023

Chinese Association of Southampton successfully held the Spring Festival Gala for the Year of the Rabbit

金虎辭舊歲,玉兔迎春來。英國當地時間1月22日,由南安普敦華人協會主辦的2023迎新春兔年聯歡活動在市政廳廣場和Westquay購物中心 隆重舉行。本次活動得到了市政府、各機構和群體 以及 贊助商和社會各界愛心人士的捐助與支持。
The golden tiger bids farewell to the old year, and the jade rabbit welcomes the spring. On January 22, the 2023 Spring Festival of the Rabbit organized by the Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) was grandly held at the Guildhall Square and Westquay Shopping Centre. This event received donations and support from the local government, institutions and groups, as well as sponsors and people from all walks of life.

南安普敦華人協會的舞龍隊,武壇武館的成員以及忠信龍獅團首先在市政廳廣場舉行長達一小時的舞龍舞獅演出。伴隨著喧天的鑼鼓聲,生動活潑的舞龍舞獅騰空而起,拉開了本次慶祝活動的序幕 。現場觀眾的熱情被點燃並跟著龍獅遊行到Westquay購物中心參加下一輪的慶祝活動。
In the morning, an hour-long dragon and lion dance performance was presented at the Guildhall Square by members of the CAS dragon dance team, Wutan Kungfu School and the Waterside Lion Group . Accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums, lively dragon and lion dances soared into the sky, kicking off the prelude to this celebration. The enthusiasm of the audience was ignited and they followed the dragon and lion parade to Westquay Shopping Centre to participate in the next round of celebrations.


At Westquay Shopping Centre, the chairperson CAS Prof Michael Ng, the director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Southampton Dr Ying Zheng, the Mayor of Southampton Cllr Jacqui Rayment and Superintendent Phil Lamb of Hampshire Constabullary delivered their New Year greetings ands speeches. The majestic lion dance came with the joy and blessings of the New Year, instantly igniting the festive atmosphere of the New Year. In traditional Chinese folklore, lion dance is a symbol of auspiciousness. It symbolizes good luck in the Year of the Rabbit, and at the same time prays for good luck, safety and health for the people.

精彩紛呈的節目將中國傳統文化精髓以不同表演方式呈現給觀眾,增強現場觀眾對中國優秀文化的理解與認同感 。武術表演帶來的藝境之美令人賞心悅目,精神振奮。 太極拳一招一式,形如流水。婉約柔美的古典舞、舞姿曼妙。奼紫嫣紅的中華服裝秀,美輪美奐。活力四射的廣場舞,熱辣酷颯。悠揚婉轉的民族樂曲,意境深綿。現場觀眾被豐富多彩的節目吸引和打動,演出持續4個小時,台下觀眾熱情高漲,掌聲與笑聲連綿不絕。
The wonderful program presents the essence of Chinese traditional culture to the audience in different ways, enhancing the audience’s understanding and sense of identity with the excellent Chinese culture. The beauty of the artistic environment brought by the martial arts performance is pleasing to the eye and invigorating the spirit. Each movement of Taichi flowed like water. The classical dances are soft and graceful. The colorful Chinese traditional clothing show is magnificent. The line dancing is vibrant and cool. The melodious Chinese music has a profound artistic conception. The audience was attracted and moved by the colorful programs. The performance lasted for 4 hours, and the audience was enthusiastic and gave continuous applause and laughter.


The off-stage workshop attracted many audience to participate. The calligraphy of auspicious and the mascot of the Year of the Rabbit emerged from the volunteers and audience participants, creating a joyful and peaceful festival atmosphere.

卅多名志願者幫助運作和管理了整個活動。當天約有100 名表演者呈現了 22場精彩的演出。根據 Westquay購物中心 的數據,當天有超過 3萬4千位顧客到訪。我們估計至少有 1萬位顧客觀看了舞台表演並參加了工作坊。
More than thirty volunteers helped run and manage the event. About 100 performers presented 22 wonderful shows on that day. According to statistics from Westquay Shopping Centre, more than 34,000 customers visited that day. We estimate at least 10,000 people watched the show and attended the workshop.

南安普敦華人協會已經成功舉辦了多屆由社區贊助的免費迎新春聯歡活動,一場場表演活動離不開協會會員及參與者的精細編排和辛苦付出 ,大家擁有一個共同的信念,那就是將中國傳統文化的精髓與節日的喜慶分享給當地社區民眾,為現場觀眾呈上一場充滿年味,祥和與溫暖的新春視聽盛宴。
The Chinese Association of Southampton has successfully held many free New Year celebrations sponsored by the community. The performances are inseparable from the meticulous arrangement and hard work of the members and volunteers of the Association. Everyone has a common goal, which is to share the essence of the traditional Chinese culture and the joy of the festival with the local community, presenting an audio-visual feast full of New Year flavor, peace and warmth to the audience.

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