Chinese Association of Southampton held a Dragon & Lion Dance Parade for the Lantern Festival
正月十五過大年,舞龍舞獅鬧元宵 。英國時間2月5日,正值中國元宵佳節,南安普敦華人協會在市政廳廣場 舉行舞獅舞龍巡遊表演活動。
On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Chinese Lantern Festival is celebrated with dragon and lion dances at Southampton. On February 5th, of the Gregorian calendar, just in time for the Chinese Lantern Festival, the Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) held a parade of lion and dragon dances in the Guildhall Square of Southampton
這是繼1月22日迎新春大型文藝表演活動後,再次點燃慶新春節日氛圍 。南安普敦華人協會黃會長,南安普頓市長等嘉賓參加了此次活動並致辭,他們將最真誠的節日祝福送給當地市民 。
This is to ignite the atmosphere of celebrating the Spring Festival again after the large-scale cultural performances to welcome the Spring Festival on January 22. CAS chairperson Michael Ng, the Mayor of Southampton and other guests attended the event and delivered speeches. They sent their most sincere festive blessings to the local citizens.
下午2時,廣場人潮湧動,振奮人心的鑼鼓聲響徹雲霄,神采奕奕的舞龍隊伍首先登場亮相,五條金龍在五顆龍珠的引導下時而翻騰,時而躍動,人與龍融為一體,不斷地變化著舞姿,所有動作如行雲流水,展示龍之精氣神韻 ,讓現場觀眾大開眼界 。
At 2pm, the Guildhall Square was filled with crowds, the exciting sound of gongs and drums resounded through the sky, and the energetic dragon dance team first appeared on the stage. Under the guidance of the five dragon balls, the five golden dragons sometimes tossed and sometimes danced. People and dragons merged into one. The dancing poses are constantly changing, and all movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, showing the spirit and charm of the dragon, which opened the eyes of the audience.
好戲輪番上演 ,舞獅隊員和武術隊員展示的絕技功夫,令現場觀眾驚嘆連連,掌聲不斷 。協會會員們編排的廣場舞,多姿多彩,美輪美奐,同樣贏得現場觀眾滿堂喝彩 。
The good shows were staged in turn, and the stunning skills displayed by the lion dancers and martial artists amazed the audience and they received constant applause. The colorful and beautiful line dance choreographed by the members of CAS also won the applause of the audience.
在市政廳廣場另一端的John Hansard Gallery内部,觀眾們正在享受一系列的文化工作坊,包括中国象棋、灯笼制作、剪纸和笛子表演。
Inside the John Hansard Gallery (JHG) at the other side of the Guildhall Square, audience were enjoying a range of cultural workshops, including Chinese Chess, lantern making, paper cutting and flute performance.
Dragon and lion dance is an excellent traditional folk custom in China. CAS brought forward the traditional skills with Chinese characteristics in this special festival. The parade composed of the dragon and lion teams as well as the gongs and drums, shuttled through the streets and alleys of the City Centre. Everywhere, there is a festive atmosphere of happiness and joy.