捐給中國的醫療物資 Delivery of Medical Supplies to China

南安普敦華人協會和學生組織者們得到各界的支持籌到£10,000+ 以抗擊疫情。多謝協會的北京警察朋友幫忙檢查物資賣方的可靠性。感激三位來自香港,國內和英國的律師朋友協助檢查與完善採購合同。多謝學生組織者們找到可靠的物資 和 協會所有委員的同心參與。感激賣方的配合,國內志愿者联盟的協助 以及 醫院方志願者的牵线搭桥。一方有难 八方支援。

我們於 3月2日成功購買贈送 第一批物資 300件保护服 給 信陽市中心醫院;更於3月9日成功購買贈送 第二批物資 兩台呼吸機 給 信陽市中心醫院。這是一個非常鼓舞和欣慰 的成功。

我代表華人協會和學生組織者 感謝所有參與此次項目的眾多熱心人士 以及 各界的愛心捐款者。大家繼續同心合力 抗擊疫情!

黃嵩鈞 博士
南安普敦華人協會 會長

The Chinese Association of Southampton and student organizers from the University of Southampton have raised over £10,000 to fight against the corona virus epidemic. Thanks to our police friend in Beijing, who checked the reliability of the seller. We are grateful to three lawyer friends from Hong Kong, China and the UK for their assistance in checking and perfecting the purchase contracts. Thanks to our student organisers for finding reliable supplies as well as to committee members of the Chinese Association for their participation in the campaign. We appreciate the cooperation of the sellers as well as various helps from the Volunteer Alliance in China and from hospital volunteers. It is encouraging to see supports coming from all corners of the world, when  a disaster happened.

On 2nd March 2020, our first batch of purchase in terms of 300 protective suits was successfully delivered to the Xinyang Central Hospital; on 9th March 2020,  our second batch of purchase in terms of two breathing machines was delivered to the Xinyang Central Hospital. It was a very encouraging and comforting success.

On behalf of the Chinese Association of Southampton and student organizers from the University of Southampton, I would like to thank all kind-hearted people who contributed in this project and to the loving donors from all walks of life. Let us continue to work together to fight against the epidemic!

Dr Michael Ng
Chinese Association of Southampton Chairperson


第一批物資 (300件保护服) 和 醫院的感謝信。
The first batch of medical supplies (300 protective suits) and the appreciation letter from the hospital.

第二批物資 (兩台呼吸機) 和 醫院的感謝信。
The second batch of medical supplies (2 breathing machines) and the appreciation letter from the hospital.

Xinyang City is the closest city in Henan Province to Hubei Province. Many people from Xinyang work and study in Wuhan. As a consequence, the city has the most confirmed COVID-19 cases in Henan Province, but foreign aid to Xinyang City is lacking.
