南安普敦華人協會 與 學生和市長 聯手抗擊疫情 Chinese Association of Southampton joins forces with students and the Mayor to fight the epidemic

在2008年,南安普敦華人協會組織了一次為四川地震災區受害人民的大型捐款活動,一共籌集了 £19,058.15。

不幸 祖國 現今面臨 新型冠状病毒疫情南安普敦華人協會全體委員 正與 南安普敦大學學生 和 南安普敦市長 Cllr. Peter Baillie 聯手抗擊疫情。學生組織者們 包過:骆菲菲 Fifi,王书娴Suzy,韩徐晶 Xujing,王槐林 Lin,杨晔恺 Kai,罗宇博 Chuck,郭齐悦 Cheerio 等等。

2020年2月11日 南安華人協會和南安大學學生 在 南安市政廳 會見 南安市市長 Cllr. Peter Baillie。抗擊疫情的募捐得到 南安市長 的 大力支持。希望 各界熱心人士 也能加入我們的團隊 一起努力 聯手抗擊疫情


黃嵩鈞 博士
南安普敦華人協會 會長

In 2008, the Chinese Association of Southampton organized a large-scale donation to help the victims of the Sichuan earthquake, raising a total of £ 19,058.15.

Unfortunately, China is now facing a novel coronavirus epidemic. The Chinese Association of Southampton committee is working with students from the University of Southampton and the Mayor of Southampton Cllr. Peter Baillie to fight the epidemic. Student organizers include: Luo Feifei, Wang Shuxian, Han Xujing, Wang Huailin, Yang Kaikai, Luo Yubo, Guo Qiyue etc.

On 11th February 2020, the Chinese Association of Southampton and Southampton University students have met the Mayor of Southampton Cllr. Peter Baillie at Southampton Civic Centre. Our fundraising to fight the epidemic has received the full support from the Mayor. I hope that kind-hearted people from all walks of life can join our effort and work together to fight the epidemic!

Updates: By 4th March 2020, we have managed to raise £10097.09 (see the donation list at the end of this page).

Dr Michael Ng
Chinese Association of Southampton Chairperson


[pdf] The above poster is designed by Zehao Lin. 以上海报的设计师是 林泽浩。

The above 6 posters are designed by Yunfeng Li. 以上六张海报的设计师是 李云峰。

