我們已籌款並購買醫療物質以協助國內一家醫院抗擊新冠疫情。我們很高興得知中國的疫情有所改善,我們支持的醫院的最後一名患者已出院。我們為協助一線醫務人員應對新冠疫情 的籌款活動仍然在進行中。但是,由於英國的新冠疫情局勢惡化,我們已將募捐的受益人更改為南安普敦大學醫院。線上捐款的詳情,請查看我們的募捐海報。
2020年3月18日星期三 南安普敦華人協會,學生組織者和志願協調者 派出代表 訪問了南安普敦市長 Cllr. Peter Baillie。我們頒發了感謝狀給市長 以感謝他對我們籌款活動的支持。我們來自倫敦的志願協調者 李博倫先生 還捐給了市長 從中國運來的100套 診斷試劑盒(能夠檢測某個人是否已感染新冠病毒)。
我們感謝您對南安普敦華人協會的支持 以及 你們對 一線醫務人員應對新冠疫情 的熱心協助。
黃嵩鈞 博士
南安普敦華人協會 會長
We have raised funding and bought medical supplies to help a hospital in China to fight the COVID-19. We are pleased to know that the situation in China has improved and the last COVID-19 patient in the hospital that we supported has been discharged. Our funding raising campaign to help the front-line medical staffs fighting the COVID-19 is still ongoing. However, we have now changed the beneficiary of the fundraising to the University Hospital Southampton because the COVID-19 situation in the UK has worsen. Please check our fundraising poster for details on how to do online donation.
Wed 18/3/2020, representatives of the Chinese Association of Southampton, student organizers and volunteer coordinators have visited the Mayor of Southampton Cllr. Peter Baillie. A certificate of appreciation was presented to the Mayor to thank him for his support in our fundraising campaign. Our volunteer coordinator from London Mr. Bolun Li has also donated 100 diagnostic kits (capable of detecting if a person has been infected by the COVID-19) that are shipped from China, to the Mayor.
We thank you for your support to the Chinese Association of Southampton and for your kindness in supporting our front-line medical staffs in fighting the COVID-19.
Dr Michael Ng
Chinese Association of Southampton Chairperson