中秋晚宴 2023 Mid-Autumn Banquet



又是一年花好月圓時,明月寄相思,中秋人團圓。 9月26日晚,南安普敦華人協會一百多位會員及賓客歡聚金漢宮,喜迎中秋良宵。      

伴隨著喧鬧的鑼鼓聲,精彩的舞獅表演拉開了中秋晚宴的序幕。 在司儀鄭副會長致歡迎詞之後,協會會長黃教授和南安普敦市長分別發表講話,向每一位來賓和特邀嘉賓致以衷心的感謝和最美好的節日祝福! 祝大家中秋喜樂,美滿團圓! 黃會長也以激昂的中國鼓聲熱烈歡迎大家的光臨。

古箏和空靈鼓的優美旋律尚未褪盡,第一波美食佳餚盛大登場,大家紛紛舉杯同慶。 在晚宴的『南安普敦有天賦』遊戲環節中,太極、舞蹈和竹笛等精彩表演輪番上演,為大家呈現了一場視覺和味覺的雙重盛宴。              


晚宴期間,現場到處洋溢著歡快的節日氣氛,大家共話鄉音,共敘友誼,其樂融。 會員們紛紛合影留念,記錄這美好歡聚的時光。 晚宴在歡聲笑語,互致祝福中落幕。




Chinese Association Southampton Hosts 2023 Mid-Autumn Banquet

[Click the photo see the album]

Once again, it’s that time of year when the flowers are in full bloom, the moon shines brightly, and the Mid-Autumn Festival brings people together. On the evening of September 26th, over a hundred members and guests of the Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) gathered at Kams Palace to celebrate this splendid Mid-Autumn evening.

Amidst the lively sound of drums and gongs, a captivating lion dance performance marked the beginning of the Mid-Autumn banquet. Following a warm welcome speech by the M.C., the Vice-Chair of CAS Ms. Cheng, CAS Chair Prof. Ng and the Mayor of Southampton both delivered their speeches, conveying sincere appreciation and offering their most heartfelt wishes to everyone present. They wished everyone a joyous and harmonious Mid-Autumn Festival! CAS chair Prof. Ng further welcomed everyone to the event with the enthusiastic beat of Chinese drum.

The enchanting melodies of the guzheng and ethereal sounds of the drum did not fade before the first wave of sumptuous dishes made their grand entrance, and all raised their glasses in celebration. During the “Southampton’s Got Talent” game section of the banquet, mesmerizing performances including Tai Chi, dance, and bamboo flute enthralled the audience, creating a double feast for the senses, both visually and gastronomically.

The most thrilling part of the evening was undoubtedly the raffle, which elevated the banquet to new heights. Guests tried their luck and won various exquisite prizes. After several rounds of draws, each prize found its rightful owner amidst applause and cheers.

Throughout the evening, an atmosphere of joy and festivity permeated the venue. People talked in thier local dielects, deepened friendships, and basked in the warmth of camaraderie. Members took group photos to capture the cherished moments of this delightful gathering. The banquet concluded amidst laughter, well-wishes and heartfelt farewells.