中秋節晚會 2022 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala


海上昇明月,天涯共此時。 2022年9月6日下午5時,JRC環球餐廳變得人潮湧動,喜慶熱鬧,300餘人相聚於此喜迎中秋佳節。南安華人協會以這樣大規模的形式慶祝中秋節,是對海外華人重視傳統文化的最好展示;會員們攜家人,孩子和朋友一同前來,以如此高的熱情和參與度,是對華人協會大家庭的愛和期冀;委員們更是煞費苦心,組織策劃了豐富多彩的活動項目,從下午就開始佈置現場,調試音響設備,確保晚會成功舉辦。


中秋節是中國傳統節日中最具人文情懷的節日,慶祝活動自然少不了中國傳統文化藝術表演,舞獅,武術,古箏,竹笛,舞蹈,歌唱 等表演不時引來陣陣掌聲和歡呼聲。一陣鑼鼓喧天后,搖頭擺尾神氣昂揚的舞獅表演將晚會推向高潮,鄧志堅師傅帶領的忠信龍獅團舞獅表演令孩子們著迷,也為晚會增添了喜慶歡樂的氛圍。英國武壇武館的中國武術表演精彩紛呈。古箏和竹笛的演奏,旋律靈透,沁人心脾,勾起思鄉之情。中國傳統舞蹈 優雅美麗,婉约柔美,而懷舊金曲輕柔悠揚。當晚的演出富有中國特色,深受觀眾好評。




The Chinese Association of Southampton successfully held the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala 2022

“The moon rises above the sea, and the whole world shares this moment”. At 5pm on 6th September 2022, JRC Global Buffet became crowded with festive atmosphere. Over 300 people gathered there to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Such large scale celebration is the best demonstration of how overseas Chinese value their traditions. Members bring their families, children and friends together to join the event with such a high degree of enthusiasm and participation. This shows the love and hope to the big family of the Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS). The committee members took great pains to organize and to plan a variety of activities and programme. They began to arrange the scene and test the audio equipment from the early afternoon, for ensuring that the gala can be held successfully.

This event received support and participation from people of all walks of life in Southampton. The Chair and Vice-Chair of CAS, the Sheriff of Southampton and the Hampshire Police officer delivered festive greetings to all. JRC Global Buffet, Shanghai Bay Chinese Restaurant, Shanghai1814 Restaurant, Szechuen Kitchen, TeaRex Bubble Tea, Hungry Panda and CAS members provided huge material support for the event.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is the festival with the most humanistic feeling among the traditional Chinese festivals. Naturally, the celebrations include traditional Chinese cultural and artistic performances, including lion dance, Kungfu display, Guzheng instrument, bamboo flute, dances and singing, which drew applause and cheers. After a tumult of gongs and drums, the unique lion dance performance pushed the party to a climax. The lion dance performance from the Waterside Lion Dance Group led by Sifu Tang fascinated the children and added the festive and joyful atmosphere to the party. Kungfu performance from Wutan Kungfu Centre is brilliant. The refreshing melody from Guzheng and bamboo flute evokes homesickness. Chinese Traditional dances are graceful and soft, while Golden Oldies are gentle and melodious. The performance on that night was full of Chinese characteristics and was well received by the audience.

There were also games and raffle draw sessions at the Gala party. While tasting a variety of delicacies, members also have the opportunity to play games and win prizes. Everyone actively participated in the sessions and the atmosphere of the scene reached another climax. The Gala party ended successfully with everyone singing and laughing.

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