中國元宵節巡遊慶祝是另一個成功的社區節慶 Chinese Lantern Festival Parade is another successful community festival (17/2/2019)

當地時間2月17日,英國南安普敦華人協會與南安普敦大學、南安普敦大學孔子學院、南安普敦中國藝術學院、南安普敦市議會和約翰漢薩德畫廊(John Hansard)聯合舉辦了中國元宵節巡遊慶祝活動。估計有1400人在市政廳廣場和約翰·漢薩德美術館(JHG)參加了此次活動。
On 17th February 2019, the Chinese Association of Southampton celebrated the Chinese Lantern Festival in partnership with the University of Southampton, Confucius Institute, Chinese Arts Southampton, Southampton City Council and the John Hansard Gallery.  An estimated 1,400 people turned up at Guildhall Square and the John Hansard Gallery (JHG) to attend this event.

此次活動由南安普敦大學副校長Winnie Eley發起,南安普敦華人協會 參加了太極拳、舞獅舞龍表演 以及 組織30餘人義工 維護現場秩序,確保了巡遊活動的順利進行。下午五時,一段飄逸瀟灑的太極扇將巡遊拉開序幕。緊接著,氣勢恢宏的舞龍舞獅表演為當地市民和遊客獻上了具有東方神韻的視覺盛宴。人在龍中舞,獅在空中飛,舞龍舞獅行進式巡遊表演,帶領著多彩斑斕的人群穿越市中心,巡遊一英里,喜慶的龍獅並舞期待豬年風調雨順,大吉大利。
The Chinese Association of Southampton provided 30+ stewards for the lantern parade, as well as performers for Taichi Fan, Dragon dance and Lion dance. The event started at 3pm, where families are welcome to make their own lanterns at the lantern-making workshop inside the John Hansard Gallery, in preparation for the lantern parade at 5pm. The parade was launched by Winnie Eley, Vice President (International) of Southampton University, at 5pm and was kick-started by a Taichi Fan performance. Then a Chinese ‘dragon’ led the one-mile parade through the city centre, while a Chinese ‘lion’ protected the crowd at the back of the parade. Our 30+ stewards help to control the crowd and to guild the crowd crossing various junctions. They have done a superb job.

BCB Media創建了精彩的短視頻,展示了該活動的亮點。

The BCB Media created a wonderful short video at YouTube showcasing the highlights of the event.

我們的攝影師George Ping和其他志願者拍攝了大量優秀的活動圖片 放在南安普敦華人協會的Facebook頁面裡。

Our photographer George Ping and other volunteers have captured lots of excellent images of the event, which are available on the Chinese Association of Southampton Facebook page.

此次巡遊年味十足,熱鬧非凡,估計約有1400餘人聚集在南安普敦市中心。活動於下午3點開始,在約翰漢薩德畫廊畫廊內的燈籠製作工作室,很多家庭聚集在一起做起了燈籠,一個個精巧美觀的燈籠蘊含著他們無限的創意和對中國文化的傳承。當地新聞界廣泛報導,其中包括南安普敦大學新聞ITV新聞ITV社交媒體That’s TV SolentDaily Echo
The event was highly successful with an estimate of  1400 participants. It was widely reported across local news, including Southampton University Sussed NewsITV news and ITV social media, That’s TV Solent, as well as the Daily Echo.

此致, Yours sincerely,
黄嵩鈞 博士
Dr. Michael Ng
Chinese Association of Southampton
27th February 2019

多謝 洪彬姐 的中文解讀。