捐給英國南安普敦的醫療物資 Delivery of Medical Supplies to Southampton U.K.

南安普敦華人協會 和 南安普敦大學學生組織者們 於2020年2月8日 開始 為抗擊疫情募捐。我們感謝各界熱心人士的支持和協助 讓我們 獲得價值 £13728.92 的物資。我們於3月2日 和 3月9日 各別捐了 300件保护服 和 兩台呼吸機(價值£9068.92) 給中國信陽市中心醫院。 我們捐贈給英國南安普敦的醫療物資(價值£4660) 詳情如下:

The Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) and student organizers from the University of Southampton started a fundraising campaign on 8th Feb 2020, to fight against the corona virus epidemic. We are grateful to all kind-hearted people for their support and assistance, which enabled us to obtain medical supplies that worth £13728.92. We have donated 300 protective suits on 2nd March and two breathing machines on 9th March, to Xinyang Central Hospital in China, which worth £9068.92. Our donation of medical supplies (worth £4660) to Southampton U.K. is detailed below:





    • 5月22日 我們把籌款餘數(£1710)買了 300個N95口罩 和 1350個醫用口罩 捐給了 英國南安大學醫院。
      22nd May, we purchased 300 N95 face masks and 1350 medical face masks using the remaining fund (£1710) for donation to University Hospital Southampton.


我們感謝您對南安普敦華人協會的支持 以及 你們對 一線醫務人員應對新冠疫情 的熱心協助。感謝名單上160位捐贈者。
We thank you for your support to the Chinese Association of Southampton and for your kind assistance to the frontline medical staff for fighting the corona virus pandemic. Special thanks to the 160 kind hearted people in the donation list.

我也要感謝南安普敦華人協會的每位委員 以及 南安普敦大學學生組織者們 為抗擊疫情 做出的努力。
I would also like to thank all committee members in CAS as well as all student organizers from the University of Southampton for their efforts invested in fighting the corona virus pandemic.


祝大家身體健康 百毒不侵。
I wish you all good health and robust against viruses.

黃嵩鈞 博士
南安普敦華人協會 會長
Dr. Michael Ng
Chinese Association of Southampton Chairperson