1月26日,農曆庚子鼠年正月初二,南安普敦華人協會聯合南安普敦大學孔子學院於Westquay Shopping Centre 隆重舉辦迎新春慶祝活動,豐富多彩的文藝節目為當地華人華僑及民眾帶來了中國年味十足的文化盛宴。
當地時間上午11點,慶祝活動在歡快的音樂聲中開始。南安普敦華人協會會長黃嵩鈞博士發表了熱情洋溢的致辭,向來賓致以新春的祝福和節日的問候。他表示,華人協會不僅是海外華人情感交流的家園,也是傳播和弘揚優秀中華文化的平台。新春慶祝活動是我們展示中華千百年文化的重要契機。接著,南安普敦大學孔子學院院長鄭英博士,南安普敦市長Cllr.Peter Bailie 等應邀嘉賓分別送上新春的祝福。
活動現場張燈結彩,節目精彩紛呈,觀眾掌聲不斷。氣勢磅礴的舞獅攜新年的喜悅與祝福撲面而來,瞬間點燃了新春的喜慶氛圍。民族舞蹈異彩紛呈,古箏 二胡和竹笛演奏,旋律靈透、沁人心脾。中國民歌婉轉悠揚,調動起現場觀眾的情緒,他們情不自禁地合著拍子哼唱。武術太極表演,氣勢恢宏,驚艷全場。京劇唱段韻味十足,觀眾領略中國京劇藝術之大美。旗袍秀盡顯古典風情,表演者們完美展現東方女性的高雅秀麗。現場觀眾對具有濃郁中國特色的表演贊不絕口。
報告來自 康洪彬⼥⼠
On January 26, the second day of the Chinese New Year, the Southampton Chinese Association and the Southampton University Confucius Institute hosted a grand Chinese New Year celebration at the Westquay Shopping Centre. A variety of cultural programmes were presented to local Chinese and local residents.
At 11 am local time, the celebration began with cheerful music. Dr. Michael Ng, the chairperson of the Southampton Chinese Association, delivered a warm speech and extended his greetings to the guests. He said that the Chinese Association is not just a drop-in centre among overseas Chinese, but also a platform for spreading and promoting Chinese culture. The Chinese New Year celebration is an important opportunity for us to show the thousand-year Chinese culture to the public. Next, Dr. Ying Zheng, director of Southampton University Confucius Institute and Cllr. Peter Bailie, the Mayor of Southampton, as well as other invited guests gave their speeches and greetings.
The scene was full of colors, the shows were great and the audience applaud continuously. The magnificent lion dance came with the joy and blessings of the New Year, which instantly lit the festive atmosphere of the New Year. Ethnic dances are colorful and graceful. The melody from Chinese zither, erhu and bamboo flute is mellow and refreshing. The Chinese folk songs are gentle and melodious. The Chinese martial arts performance and Tai Chi display were magnificent and stunning. The Peking opera is full of charm and it was greatly appreciated by the audience. The cheongsam show is full of classic style and the performers perfectly show the elegance and beauty of oriental women. The performance is full of Chinese characteristics and is praised by the audience.
The stage was full of excitement and the workshops were crowded with people. Red lanterns, calligraphy, paper cutting, kungfu fans etc set off the event scene with joy. The whole event lasted 4 and a half hours and was always filled with a joyous and festive atmosphere.
Reported by Ms. Hongbin Kang