聖誕與感恩 Chrismas and Appreciation

1)感謝委員們尤其是 副會長 鄭慧琪女士,秘書 林雪欣女士,副秘書 邱佩蘭女士 幫忙 各樣籌備工作和節目。
2)感謝廚師義工 丘天有先生 和 羅積槐先生 幫忙煮 聖誕午餐。
3)感謝會員義工 陳平鈗女士 幫忙煮 火雞和肉醬。
4)感謝委員 張菊英女士 捐出聖誕禮物作抽獎。
5)感謝會員 黃秋先生 捐款£100 支助聖誕節活動。
6)感謝會員 陳素英女士 捐出一大箱口罩當聖誕禮物。
7)感謝各委員和會員 幫忙廚房工作,尤其是 彭華發先生,梁志強先生,張菊英女士,謝燕妮 女士。
8)感謝拍照義工們 尤其是 康洪彬⼥⼠ 和 陳素英女士。
9)感謝 梁志強先生 當聖誕老人 。
10)感謝 Jean Romsey老師 帶領 頌歌。
11)還有多位低調的幫手,尤其是一大早就到場幫忙搬桌子的 张常泰先生。

當天有頌歌,遊戲,幸運抽獎,交換禮物,藝術作品比賽 還有 最重要的就是:會員們之間的相互交流。大家可以從照片中看到 此次聖誕活動帶給大家的歡笑。活動的成功 歸功於會員們的支持,委員會的合作 和 義工們無私的付出。希望將來有更多義工 幫忙組織類似活動 於不同的日期,以幫助更多的會員,一起把歡樂帶給大家。

聯誼所22/12 和 29/12沒有開門。5/1/2022聯誼所重開。祝大家聖誕節快樂和新年進步。

黃會長和所有委員 鞠躬


Dear all,
The Chinese Association of Southampton held a Christmas event on Wednesday 15/12/2021. Nearly 50 people participated in the event. The Committee and members of the association actively participated in various tasks to make it a success.
1) Thanks to the committee members, especially the Vice-Chair Ms. Vikkie Cheng, the Secretary Ms. Yammie Lam, the Vice-Secretary Ms. Puilan Yau, for their help in the preparative works and the programme.
2) Thanks to our chef volunteers Mr. Ting Yau and Mr. Jack Law, for cooking the Christmas lunch.
3) Thanks to our member volunteer Mrs. Eva Pearce for helping to cook the turkey and meat sauce.
4) Thanks to our committee member Mrs. Amy Cheung for donating Christmas gifts for the lucky draw.
5) Thanks to our member Mr. Chau Wong for donating £100 to support the Christmas event.
6) Thanks to our member Ms. Helen Chan for donating a large box of masks as Christmas gifts.
7) Thanks to our committee members and ordinary members for helping with the kitchen work, especially to Mr. Wah Fat Pang, Mr. Chi Keung Leung, Mrs. Amy Cheung, Ms. Yanni Xie.
8) Thanks to our photographer volunteers, especially Ms. Hongbin Kang and Ms. Helen Chan.
9) Thanks to Mr. Chi Keung Leung for being the Santa Claus.
10) Thanks to our teacher Mrs. Jean Romsey for leading the carol singing.
11) There are also many low-profile helpers, especially Mr. Billy Cheung who arrived early in the morning to help setting up the table.

On the day, we have carol singing, games, lucky draws, gift exchanges, artwork competition and most importantly: the communications amongst members. You can see from the photo album, the laughers that this Christmas event brought. The success of the event is attributed to the support of the members, the cooperation of the Committee and the selfless dedication of the volunteers. I hope that more volunteers will come forward to help organize similar activities on different dates in the future, for assisting more members and for bringing joy to each other.

The drop-in centre will be closed on 22/12 and 29/12. It will re-open on Wednesday 5/1/2022. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Successful New Year.

Michael Ng and the Committee
